The picture is taken, it is matted and framed and now hanging in a Coffee Shop in downtown Clare. My original intent, when I knew this assignment was to be about "Coffee" was to have it be about my Dad's Coffee,and have steam rising from the cup. However, at almost 90 degrees that day in my apartment, no steam would rise. (I found out later that had I put an ice cube in it, it would have happened...). I also ended up using Sepia tones for the picture. Because of the length of Dad's life, it just seemed to go with the whole concept, better.
This is scene I witnessed every morning from the time I was a young child right though the end of my father's life; down to the teaspoon sitting beside his cup on a napkin or folded piece of paper towel.
It is amazing to me, the way one's life continues to make an impact on other lives, even after they are "gone"~!
Here's to you, Dad; drink up!