Lord, love a duck, it has been a long time since I've posted a new blog~!
But, I'm back~~!!! When I titled this, the "no pun intended" was just
too appropriate. I had my 3rd major back surgery on December 1, 2008. I've only posted 1 or 2 times since then. But, I am back in the
land of the living and starting to feel much, much better.
I am no longer wearing my "corset", although I do have to say there are times it still feels good; so much support! I am going
some without my cane - but not completely. I am also off ALL pain medication. That in itself, makes me feel
so much better.
For those of you in the dark, I have now had 3 back surgeries that completed the fusion of 5 of my vertebrae in a row; I am fused from L2 - S1. My father's side of the family has this "wonderful gene" called Degenerative Disc Disease. I have it. As far as I am aware, out of the 6 children in our family, I am the only one that has it. Thank you FRITZ FAMILY~~! (I also have a lot of problems with my neck from the same thing, which causes me to have Migraines;
LOTS of Migraines.
As I write, I am thankful that I CURRENTLY do
NOT have a Migraine. I get them several times a week; sometimes daily. But, I have found the perfect remedy for that. I go the the Pain Clinic associated with Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, and they do a Rhizotomy on each side of my neck.
First they start out with just a "diagnostic" Nerve Block, which is injections into different openings of the Cervical Spine/Spinal Canal. (Don't worry - they put you to sleep!) If the pain or headaches, etc. subside for any time at all - whether 2 days or 2 weeks, but then returns, they know they have injected the right areas. Sometimes, you will get longer relief each time, because they usually do them in a series of 3; each 1-2 weeks apart. (They can do these all the way down your spine - from neck to low-back, depending on your area of pain.)
However, if by the 3rd Nerve Block you are still having pain, they will do a Rhizotomy. That actually means instead of going in and
blocking the nerve (numbing it with a steroid and other medication), they actually
destroy the nerve. The method of destruction depends on the location of the injection site. If it is in your neck (Cervical) they use an electro-stimulating needle to do it. If it is from your shoulder (mid-back/Thoracic on down to low-back/Lumbar) they inject a very
CAUSTIC mediction. Both methods actually travel down the nerve path(s) and burn/destroy the nerve.
A Rhizotomy is extremely painful for about 3 weeks, as that burning travels down the nerve path it branches out and makes everything on fire from your neck to your shoulder and part of your upper arm. I usually end up having to go in about a week later and having a simple nerve block done, just to calm down the pain while the Rhizotomy is in progress. BUT, the good thing is, every one that I have had, lasts for 1 year! That means
NO HEADACHES for a year~!!!!
The nerve(s) will always eventually will grow back, anytime from 6 months to 2 years. I guess I am right in the middle...
Hey, I can only tell you from
my experience, the benefits
FAR outweigh the pain~!
So, all that being said, I am scheduled next week for one side to be done and 3 weeks later, the other side. Hallelujah!!!
So, while I continue to wait on my back to completely heal (it takes 12-18 months), I am very thankful to be in the place I am. The weather is nice, so I can start walking daily and as soon as the fusion is hardened enough, I will be able to do Aqua Therapy to strengthen my back muscles. (I have to have a CT with "reconstructive images in 3-D done first, go see the Neurosurgeon again, and then He will be able to give me a better idea of "when" I can start.
In the meantime, I have signed up to take classes to become Certified as a Medical Biller/Coder. I start May 5 and am looking very forward to that