I told her I wanted Gerber Daisies on the top - they are ONE of my favorite flowers. She did a couple different set-ups for me. Her youngest daughter, Kerrigan, age 7, looked at the screen and said, "Where are the Roses?" Sara asked what Roses; what did she mean? Kerrigan replied, "It's for Aunt Gail, isn't it? Where are the Roses?" Sara told her that Aunt Gail had asked for Gerber Daisies. To which Kerrigan then replied, "Well, why don't you surprise Aunt Gail and put some Roses in it, too." Sara told her she thought it WOULD be a surprise if she added Roses, since I had specifically asked for Gerber's.
Why Kerrigan would associate me with roses is what we cannot figure out. The only thing we can think of, is that the week before was her oldest sister, Britnee's 13th birthday. I always send a single rose to each of my nieces when they turn 13, telling them that every girl should start receiving flowers when she turns 13. Then, as I told the Britnee's father,(my brother-in-law, Tony,) "after 13, I leave it up to the father and/or the boyfriends." So, because I sent Britnee a rose the week prior maybe Kerrigan thinks I should have had roses on my Blog page. Who knows what is going though a little 7-year-old's mind....??? It really was kind of cute, though.
What Kerrigan does not know, however, is that when I first worked at Between Friends (one of Shepherd's local flower shops), I had the hardest time even peeling off the "bad" petals from the roses and letting all those petals fall on the floor. They were so beautiful to me. I couldn't bear to see a broken flower put in the trash can, either. Several times, I had the girls help me pick up the petals off the floor and out of the trash and put them in a bag. Then I would take them home and stew them on my floor (not red petals-because they stain~) and I would walk on them and feel the pure delight of them under my bare feet.
I wonder if that is a little bit how our Heavenly Father feels when he sees us all broken and strewn on the floor or put in a trashcan? I'm so GLAD that He picks them up and makes them/us/me "re-usable". Titus 3:5a says: "...he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy..."
So Kerrigan, Roses for Aunt Gail are quite alright! I LOVE them, too!!!!
1 comment:
Kerrigan smiled big and said they are pretty when I told her you put "roses on your blog" and she saw your pictures :)
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