My youngest grandson, Silas, just turned 5 this week. It is so hard to believe that he is 5 and ready to start school in the fall. A couple of weeks ago, I was helping him clean up his bedroom. Toys were strewn all over his bedroom floor and his Mama has a container for almost every "category" of toy in his room. I came to some stuffed animals, however, and wasn't sure where to put them. As I handed one to him I said, "Silas, where does this go?" He told me it went on his bed and he began to place them all in a straight line, down the bed and up against the wall, as I handed them to him one by one. Now, I knew that awhile back, his Mama had started limiting the amount of stuffed animals the boys could have because Owen, the oldest, has terrible Allergies, and Silas suffers with Asthma. So, I was quite surprised to find the amount of stuffed "critters" he now had. I picked up one of the last ones; a LARGE bumblebee. I asked him if he sat that one on the bed, too. "No, Nonnie", he said, grabbing it from my hands and throwing it against the wall, "remember? Asthma; dust." (I wanted to laugh so bad, but I was choking from all the dust billowing around because of the "THUMP" against the wall~!)
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This picture was captured at a Graduation Open-House last week. It is my two granddaughters; Regan Rene' (7 months) on the left and Zoe Violet (13 months) on the right. I think Regan was saying, "We are cousins and "
best friends"~! The picture is TOO precious, isn't it!
Mark 10:14b NLT: ..."Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children."
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