Saturday, July 5, 2008

My "Other" Purse

My baby sister (Sara) and her family came to visit from Indiana today; July 5. We all met at one of my other sister's house; Jodi, in Shepherd. When I walked in, I was carrying my first load of food, etc. and Sara said, "that is Gail's purse" - referring to my well-worn basket - to which I replied, "it IS my "other" purse;it seems to go everywhere I go~!

I purchased this basket at our local WalMart store about 14 years ago. I paid...(are you ready???)... $5.00 for it~~! It has been everywhere and back with me. I take it to every function to which I take food, gifts, decorating supplies, flowers, or any other miscellaneous array of things. It has also helped me to "gather flowers", carry home left-over party food, supplies, decorations, or any number of other things.

I call it "old faithful". There is a small section that keeps separating from the rest, but I keep fish line on hand and it works wonderful to mend such things as a separated spot in a basket.

I will have to say it is probably the BEST $5 I ever spent; and that $5 has lasted the longest and given me the most use of any other money that I have spent.

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