One year ago today was the day my father, Rev. Arthur E Fritz went home to heaven and joined mama - who had been waiting for him for a mere 101 days. It has been a long and emotional year, needless to say. But, as my sister, Jodi, and I went and laid 6 roses on his grave today (1 rose for each sibling), I said to her, "Jodi, they have been together again for 1 year - today~~! He was SO lonely without her. She had been sick with Alzheimer's for a few years. He took such loving and tender care of her - with the help of us girls; but there is not doubt that HE did the greatest amount of "caring for". He was sick himself, having been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis. He was on oxygen 24/7. It was really, really hard for him to keep up - and the closer to their deaths they got, the more us girls were involved. But, Daddy was very stubborn and independent. He would NOT let any of us stay with them, insisting he could take care of her just fine.
Right after his death, we knew there would be a lot to be done to settle their Estate, etc. so my sister opened up a Post Office box in his name, so the mail would all come right into town; closer to her house. The last item of the Estate was handled this week and it was time to renew the Post Office box or return the keys. Jodi said she could not do it. (She and I were the two who had keys.) So, I was the appointed one. I walked into the local PO, and by now, my feet led me strait to the mailbox that I used to search for row by row. I put the key in one last time, took out the day's mail and then handed in the keys.
My first thought was, "Oh no, there is nothing left of him."
Then I began to think of his legacy and how he lived on in each of us children and in our children, and on down the line - even to every great-grandchild. He gave us a solid foundation and taught us what loving God and loving each other was all about. We were blessed to have him the 80 years we did; although to all of us, he only seemed about 65ish. His mind was so sharp and he was such a fun, goof-off at times (more on THAT in a post, soon to come... be watching for it~!)
Back to his legacy... He is still talked about all over the small town we live in. The new minister and his wife at dad's church told us they needed to cash a check and went into the local bank. Being from a BIG CITY, they didn't think it would be possible. They told the teller they would be moving up soon and were already pastoring the church that Rev. Arthur Fritz used to pastor. "Oh, Rev. Fritz's church?", they said, "we will cash any check you need cashed." (And they have cashed 2-3 now!) So, as they told me - his legacy continues...
In a post, just last week, I told how his local Campground named their Tabernacle after him: The Fritz Memorial Tabernacle. His legacy continues...
I know this is the end of the all the "firsts" us children will have to go through... but this is NOT the END of Dad's Life - he is just starting to live!!!! One year in Heaven is just a snap of a finger in our time.
Daddy, I love you and will ALWAYS miss you. But, I am SOOO glad you are in Heaven with Mama and most of all, Jesus. I'm glad you are healthy again and Mama knows who you are. Keep waiting for us - one day, by God's grace, WE WILL ALL BE THERE, TOO~~!!
Love, Gail Lynn
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